With the 2018 Holiday Season behind us and the Spring right around the corner, Encore is excited and proud to be servicing over 60 weddings this summer! With this busy Vancouver wedding planning season approaching as the longer days begin to show, you will see a couple new Coordinators on our team and 4 new Assistants!!! I am so thrilled with the support from our past and current clients and the growth of Encore, its really an exciting time ahead for us and my vision, and the team I have to lead the way with me!
You may not all know, but creating a business I could be proud of, place my stamp on as my own and truly embrace as a community and culture has been my vision since conception of Encore. It was never just about business, income and freedom to be my own boss in an industry I love. It was always more.
When I dreamed of opening Encore I dreamed of a team of professionals to work alongside, a team that understood we did more than complete a job with each and every wedding, we ensured we created a lifetime of memories for that couple and their family. Its not enough for my team to say they enjoyed their day at work, I want them to feel the empowerment of making a difference to our clients on such a special day. Our team understands that for this one day, however hard, long or challenging it may be, we absorb it all to leave after the festivities are complete knowing the bride enjoyed her fairytale and the groom.. well he now has a happy wife!! ( HAPPY WIFE, HAPPY LIFE, LOL!)

It is with great happiness I share we are growing... again for the 2019 season! Stay tuned for the additional Coordinators and Assistants we will be announcing in the Spring!
Cheers to all of us this year, 2019 will be epic!